Zoom in to your calling.
Zoom in to your life’s work.
Zoom in to what matters.
Zoom in to the Truth.
Zoom out to see around you.
Zoom out to take everything in.
Zoom out to realize the moment.
Zoom out to connect within.
Zoom in to what’s important.
Zoom in to your soul.
Zoom in to your heart space.
Zoom in to Love.
Zoom out to gain perspective.
Zoom out to understand.
Zoom out to get the full picture.
Zoom out to remember where you once began.
You are the one in control of you.
You choose your actions.
You choose your mood.
You alone are responsible for you.
You choose your energy and attitude.
You have the light.
You have the peace.
You have the power to become all you dream.
You are worthy.
You are loved.
You are known.
You are enough.
You have purpose.
You have what it takes.
You have all you need to approach what awaits.
eXpand your heart.
eXpand your soul.
eXpand your mind.
eXpand your world.
eXpand your breath.
eXpand your worth.
eXpand your depth.
eXpand your work.
eXpand your spirit.
eXpand your essence.
eXpand your voice.
eXpand your presence.
eXpand your options.
eXpand your perspectives.
eXpand your community.
eXpand your limits.
eXpand your beliefs.
eXpand your thoughts.
eXpand your ideas.
eXpand your love.
Work on your dreams.
Work on your goals.
Work on yourself while nurturing your soul.
Work out your body.
Work out your mind.
Work out your issues one day at a time.
Work to love others.
Work to love yourself.
Work to love deeper with every new breath.
Work to create more peace than strife.
Work to create your fullest life.
Work to connect with all living things.
Work to become what you’ve always dreamed.
Value your time.
Value your boundaries.
Value your friendships.
Value your families.
Value your environment.
Value your integrity.
Value your experiences.
Value your creativity.
Value your patience.
Value your tenacity.
Value your empathy.
Value your morality.
Value your relationships.
Value your humility.
Value your impact.
Value your vulnerability.
Respond with kindness.
Respond with grace.
Respond with empathy.
Respond with peace.
Respond with compassion.
Respond with patience.
Respond with openness.
Respond with forgiveness.
Respond with warmth.
Respond with love.
Respond with strength.
Respond with hope.
Respond with respect.
Respond with dignity.
Respond with attentiveness.
Respond with listening.
Respond with Light.
Respond with integrity.
Respond with understanding.
Respond with sincerity.
Quit making excuses.
Quit getting in your own way.
Quit saying you’re fine when you’re really not okay.
Quit being hard on yourself.
Quit being your worst critic.
Quit being pessimistic and calling it realistic.
Quit telling yourself lies.
Quit saying you won’t make it.
Quit thinking the worst and doing nothing to change it.
Quit doubting your worth.
Quit believing you’re not enough.
Quit ignoring your problems and not working on your stuff.
Quit avoiding your potential.
Quit resisting your power.
Quit denying what’s for you and all you have to offer.
Protect your time.
Protect your energy.
Protect your brain from incessantly worrying.
Protect Love.
Protect peace.
Protect innocence from becoming extinct.
Protect your heart.
Protect your soul.
Protect your mind from overload.
Protect your breath.
Protect your lungs.
Protect what you’ve only just begun.
Offer yourself willingness to try.
Offer yourself room for mistakes.
Offer yourself all you can give.
Offer yourself moments of grace.
Offer yourself deep respect.
Offer yourself unfailing love.
Offer yourself sincere gratitude for who you are and all you have done.
Offer yourself opportunities to learn.
Offer yourself situations to grow.
Offer yourself forgiveness for not knowing the things you couldn't have possibly known.
Offer yourself time to cry.
Offer yourself permission to feel.
Offer yourself courage to claim everything you need and your place in this world.
Now is what we know for sure.
Now is what we’re guaranteed.
Now is when we do the work to shape the future we can’t see.
Now is when we start our healing.
Now is when we look inside.
Now is when we let all spaces fill up with love and glow with light.
Now is when we make the choices, creating change we’re longing for.
Now is when we see each other for who we are at our core.
Now is when we come together, recognizing we all are One.
Now is when we take steps forward to face whatever is to come.
Now is when we find the courage to live our lives authentically.
Now is when we ask ourselves, “how am I contributing?”
Move in the direction you want to be going.
Move your mindset into a space for growing.
Move your energy into what’s working.
Move your heart into a place of healing.
Move your ideas into action.
Move your plans into habits.
Move your dreams into realities.
Move your self into what’s freeing.
Let Go
Let go of the life that is no longer for you.
Let go of the habits that do not support you.
Let go of the past that no longer defines you.
Let go of emotions that fester inside you.
Let go of the thoughts that want to destroy you.
Let go of the voices that live to torment you.
Let go of the fears that keep you from trying.
Let go of ideas that block you from thriving.
Keep the lessons that made you grow and helped you believe you are never alone.
Keep the friends you can always trust, who protect your heart and know who you are.
Keep the family who truly knows where you’ve come from and how much you’ve grown.
Keep the words that make it clear what you’re about and why you’re here.
Keep the thoughts rooted in love, that guide and support you in all that you are.
Keep the momentum moving forward for what really matters and who you’re becoming.
Jot down words that come to mind
Appearing with no reason, context, or rhyme.
Jot down thoughts circling around
That won’t go away ‘til you give them some ground.
Jot down feelings that continue to rise
In all kinds of mindsets, situations and vibes.
Jot down emotions that tend to show up
When things are going well, and when they don’t.
Jot down ideas that come floating by
You decide later if they’re worth your while.
Jot down the things you wish to avoid,
The blocks you encounter that keep you from flow.
Jot down the reasons you give your time
To honor yourself and what’s inside.
Ignite in yourself a flame of desire
To live a full life of passion and fire.
Ignite in yourself the passion to live
The best version of you with all you can give.
Ignite in yourself a light so bright
That no darkness has power or hold in your life.
Ignite in yourself who you wish to be,
While embracing the you who is on the journey.
Ignite in yourself the courage to fail,
It is through taking risks that we learn to prevail.
Ignite in yourself the drive to keep going,
Adversity and challenges are sure signs of growing.
Ignite in yourself what can’t be snuffed out
By people or circumstances, criticisms, or doubts.
Ignite in yourself a fierceness so strong,
That you cannot ignore who you’ve been all along.
Hope is something that comes and goes,
When you have it you feel like you can conquer the world.
Hope is a practice that keeps us going,
When nothing makes sense and we don’t know what we’re doing.
Hope is the bind that ties us together,
When things start collapsing and we find strength in each other.
Hope is the light that shines in the dark,
When we don’t know where to go or where to start.
Hope can grow when we focus on the good,
Allowing ourselves to see through the mud.
Having hope doesn’t mean that we have become blind
to the hurt, and the pain, and the wrong in our lives.
It means we are living with our eyes wide open,
Aware to uproot ourselves from soil that is poisoned.
Hope comes and goes like the clouds passing over us,
It will only affect us if we allow it to change us.
Give your time, don’t let it be taken.
Give your energy, don’t let it be wasted.
Give from your heart without hesitation.
Give what you can without expectations.
Give what is honest. Give what is pure.
Give what is loving, compassionate and true.
Give what is authentic. Give what is supportive.
Give what is empathetic, encouraging and helpful.
Give yourself the kindness you give to others.
Give yourself the grace you deserve also.
Give yourself the time you need on your journey.
Give yourself your all without second guessing.