Elizabeth Reed Elizabeth Reed


Focus on who you are in this moment.

Focus on what is within your control.

Focus on the direction you want to be going.

Focus on what will help you along.

Focus on what the world has to offer.

Focus on what you have to offer the world.

Focus on the good that lives all around us.

Focus on the good that lives in us all.

Focus on who you are to others.

Focus on who you are to yourself.

Focus on who you can be for others.

Focus on who you can be for yourself.

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Elizabeth Reed Elizabeth Reed


Engage with what you want to do.

Engage with what you want to become.

Engage with what you already know.

Engage with what you want to learn.

Engage with what will stretch and grow you.

Engage with what will shape and transform you.

Engage with people who love and support you.

Engage with environments that heal and restore you.

Engage with work that moves you forward.

Engage with beliefs that keep you going.

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Elizabeth Reed Elizabeth Reed


Devote your time to what you believe in.

Devote your energy to what nurtures and feeds you.

Devote your mind to thoughts that uplift.

Devote your heart to love and forgive.

Devote your soul to fulfill its purpose.

Devote your spirit to unity and service.

Devote your words to encourage and heal.

Devote your actions to be meaningful and real.

Devote yourself to your highest calling,

Your gifts are needed in a world that is hurting.

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Elizabeth Reed Elizabeth Reed


Commit to your dream and the voice that’s inside you,

Who knows you, protects you, loves you and guides you.

Commit to the journey and embrace the adventure

Of not knowing what’s ahead or where it will take you.

Commit to yourself and all that you are,

The successes, the failures, the victories, the scars.

Commit to everything you are in process of becoming,

No excuses, no compromises, no exceptions, no apologies.

Commit to who you are and what you believe in,

Aligning yourself on a regular basis.

Commit to what you know deep within your heart,

Reconnecting with the Truth when all is feeling lost.

Commit to your mind and all of its power,

To heal and rebuild new mindsets and ideas.

Commit to your soul and what sets it on fire.

Nothing else can take the place of what you truly desire.

Commit to your life and all you can make it,

Embrace it, engage with it, create it, and claim it.

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Elizabeth Reed Elizabeth Reed


Believe in yourself and all that’s within you.

Believe in yourself and all that’s before you.

Believe in yourself and all the good you are doing.

Believe in yourself and all the good you are pursuing.

Believe in your path and where it has led you.

Believe in your journey and all it has taught you.

Believe in your words and the power that comes with them.

Believe in your actions and the purpose behind them.

Believe in the Intelligence that resides within you.

Believe in the Knowing that guides and protects you.

Believe in the Higher Calling of your soul and your spirit.

Believe in its power and all it has for you.

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Elizabeth Reed Elizabeth Reed


Alignment of the heart, mind, and soul is where we find our peace. When even one is out of line, we feel it and we know something isn’t right. We try to solve it with outside influences. We push on, hoping it will correct itself. But the only way to peace is going inward and taking the time to realign what is out of line.

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Elizabeth Reed Elizabeth Reed

2024ward Intention

As we embark on a new year, I have embraced the mantra “keep going”. I want 2024 to be about forward motion. I want to keep doing the work. Keep believing in myself. Keep believing in my purpose. Keep learning. Keep asking for help. Keep forgiving. Keep loving. Keep growing.

I invite you to join me and keep doing your work. Keep believing in yourself. Keep believing in your purpose. Keep learning. Keep asking for help. Keep forgiving. Keep loving. Keep growing. Keep going.

Love always, Elizabeth

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