Books in Progress

Finding My Voice

I am working on this book about finding who I am and learning to following my voice. After working my way through anxiety and depression, I learned how to listen to my voice, the real me, the authentic voice I was created to be. I tackle big topics and sort out the gray that feeds anxiety and depression. I hope that through sharing my journey of finding my voice, that it hopes you find yours.

The Bassist’s Wife

This book tracks the timeline of my husband and my journey of pursuing a life of a professional musician. Pursuing a dream takes courage, patience, trust, surrender, perseverance and faith. Little did we know what we were embarking upon when we agreed to venture on this path together that my husband started long before me. It is a path I wouldn't trade for another. I am grateful for every up and down, twist and turn. One of my many roles in life, "a bassist's wife", has helped shaped me and guide me on this wonderful journey of my soul and being.